Returns and complaints
Cancellation of order
We may cancel an order if it is not possible to deliver the ordered product. You will be informed if such a situation arises, and any payment or reservation made using a payment method will be returned / cancelled.
Acknowledgement of order receipt and order confirmation
When you order an item from us, you will receive a receipt by email to show your order has been received. However, you enter a binding sales contract only when you have received an order confirmation / sales receipt from us.
Cancellation & return period
When you shop with us you have 30 days to cancel and return.
The cancel & return period starts on the day you receive the items. To exercise the right to cancel, you must notify us within 30 days of receipt of the items by mail to [email protected] and return the item to us within 30 days of return.
You cannot cancel by simply refusing to receive the package without at the same time clearly notifying us of this.
Items not included in the right to cancellation
Following items are not included in the right to cancellation:
Delivery of items that have been manufactured to the consumer's specifications or have been given a distinct personal touch.
You must pay the costs of returning the items if you change your mind.
You must attach a copy of the order confirmation or other documentation from your purchase.
The condition of the item when returning
You are liable for any deterioration in the value of the product due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the product's nature, characteristics and the way it functions. In other words, you can try the product in the same way as if you tried it in a physical store, but you must not take it into actual use.
If the item has been used in addition to, what is described above, we consider it as used, which means that if you cancel the purchase, you will only get a part or none of the purchase amount back, depending on the item's commercial value. Generally, it should be pointed out, that we do not sell used items, and that an item that has been used, has no sales value for us.
Returned items must be sent in original packaging to receive a full refund.
When you send a return package, you are responsible for ensuring that the items are securely wrapped.
Return package is sent to:
The Nautical Up Group ApS
Danmarksvej 30 M2
8660 Skanderborg
Remember to get a receipt and a shipment number for the return package. You bear the risk for the return package until received by us.
Please note! We do not accept parcels without distribution, parcels sent by COD (cash on delivery) or similar.
When we receive a return package, we will check the item(s), and you will be refunded the amount you paid to us upon purchase within 14 days.
The amount is always transferred to the same payment method used for the purchase. If for example you paid by credit card, the purchase amount is reversed to the payment card you used for the purchase.
You may lose your purchase amount, in whole or in part. This happens if the product is impaired or damaged because:
- you have used the item(s)
- the item(s) were damaged while you were responsible for them.
- you handled item(s) in a manner other than was necessary for you to determine item(s) nature, characteristics, and the way they operate.
- the item has not been received in its original packaging.
- you have not followed the restrictions above in” Items not included in the right to cancellation” and ” The condition of the item when returning”
Complaints - If there is something wrong with the product
Your purchase is covered by the Danish law, including the rules regarding defects in a product.
This means that you can either have a defective product repaired or replaced, receive a refund or reduction in price, depending on the specific situation.
According to the law, you have 24 months right of complaint. A complaint is justified if the defect is not caused by incorrect use of the product or other incorrect conduct.
Normal wear and tear damage, damage caused by improper use, cosmetic damage, improper care or impacts / accidents are not covered by this warranty.
Wear and tear are natural and unavoidable damage resulting from normal use and exposure to the elements.
You must contact us within a "reasonable period"
You must make your claim within a "reasonable period" after you have discovered the defect. We recommend that you claim as soon as possible and within 2 weeks of the defect being discovered. You can claim by contacting us via email at [email protected] or by phone on 0045 2594 2597.
In order to assess your claim, we will ask you the following:
Send us a brief description of how the damage or defect occurred. Please note that you should contact us as soon as you discover the defect.
To document the defect, you must send 4-5 photos together with the description. The defect must be clear from at least one of the photos. Additionally, make sure that your photos show the entire product, from the front and back.
Send the photos via email to [email protected]
Please indicate the order number for the item, or attach a copy of the order confirmation / receipt
After we receive your photos, we will deal with your claim as soon as possible.
If you are returning faulty item(s), we will send you a prepaid return label. If you choose not to use the prepaid return label (making you responsible for all costs associated with shipping) please send the items to:
The Nautical Up Group ApS
Danmarksvej 30 M2
8660 Skanderborg
If the claim is justified, we will refund your reasonable shipping costs incurred when sending the item back to us. Otherwise, you must bear all costs of transport, including our shipping costs for returning the item after the investigation.
Remember that the item(s) must always be well packaged, and you must get proof of postage.
You are responsible for the package / item(s) until received by us. So, keep the postal receipt including information on shipping costs and if applicable the shipment number.
Please note! We do not accept parcels without distribution, parcels sent by COD (cash on delivery) or similar.